Monday, February 25, 2008

Toddler And Infection In Toe

coding: Updates

Updated data
data classification common medical procedures and to a lesser extent those of the international classification of diseases requiring regular updates.
To perform these updates, you should download the site files to update data and PMSI_CIM1O PMSI_CCAM and save them on your hard drive.
Ridge duplication of the database before any upgrade.
Select the thesaurus to be the subject of the update by clicking on the relevant tab. Select
line Updated data .. . File menu .
Select file update on your hard drive using the Open dialog documents.
Your favorite synonym and search history will be preserved when updating data.

Update software

To update the software, you must download site to update software and replace the copy on your hard by the new software.
careful not to delete your data files.
You reuse your license numbers when this update. In case of loss of these numbers you can e-mail to obtain a duplicate.

Frequency of updates

If you saved the software, you will receive by mail a message telling you whether these updates.
Otherwise, check from time to time the announcements on the homepage of the website.


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