Thursday, February 28, 2008

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Fear (s) Black ...

Children are afraid of the dark, but many adults too!
The darkness prevents them from seeing, then we can be convinced of the presence of animals, insects or any malevolent beings.
In popular parlance, there are dark thoughts, we live in abject poverty, or we have forebodings ...
This feeling of anxiety attached to the black in the mists of time.
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Monday, February 25, 2008

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CodagePMSI version 2.5 runs on Windows platforms and Macintosh (MacOS 9.2.2 and MacOS X).
CodagePMSI support software is a codification of medical procedures and diagnoses and principal shareholders of PMSI.
Its search engine allows to find quickly and easily code of any disease International Classification of Diseases - 10th revision (ICD 10) and any act of the new Common Classification of medical (ACPC) effective From 1 January 2004.
The ability to create its own synonyms, or its own abbreviations gives the flexibility to adapt to the language of each user while respecting international terminology.
It is also possible to create one or more lists of codes to show favorites, but also directly display the last 100 codes most wanted.
The software bundling GHS (homogeneous groups of holidays) and calculates pricing or medical procedures selected taking into account the pricing rules set forth by CNAMTS. The software allows transcoding ACPC-NGAP acts pending the ACPC tariff.
The list of codes and labels diagnoses and procedures performed for a given patient can be printed or copied to the clipboard and then pasted into any other software. The printout can be easily handled by the PMSI service by reading bar codes diagnoses and actions.
updating data is simply done by downloading the file from this site updated.

CodagePMSI version 2.5 now available in 3 presentations:

- version AutoRun single-and multi-user

- client-server version multi-station and multi-users require separate acquisition de4D-server version 2003 or 2004 from your computer dealer or company 4D.

- embeddable version any 4D 2003 or 2004 not compiled as a component 4D

self-executable version of the software is freely diffusible form of charityware. To obtain a valid license number, simply send mail or mail the registration form and make a donation to Interplast-France.

The client-server version and version integrable require the purchase of an annual license fee as a donation to Interplast-France.

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Launch Presentation

Download and unzip
  • First installation

For initial installation, download the software codagePMSI, the data file and documentation files in HTML and PDF.

    • On Windows platform:

Double-click the archive codagePMSI_PC .
You must obtain the following screen:

Click Extract .
You must obtain the following screen:

Under Files, select All Files .
Under Folders / drives , select the folder where you want to unpack the archive.
Then click Extract .
In the WinZip window, click Open .

Select archive then click Open .
You must get the following screen.

Click Extract .
You must obtain the following screen: Click
Extract .
You should get the following screen:

Under Files, select All Files .
Under Folders / drives , select the folder codagePMSI_PC 2.55
Then click Extract .
Close the WinZip window, then double click the folder codagePMSI_PC 2.55 to open it.
You must get the following screen:

4D Extensions folder should contain the following files:

To start the software double-click icon codagePMSI_PC 2.55
      • On MacOS X or MacOS platform 9:

codagePMSI Create a new folder where you unpack or PMSI_OSX_2.55.sit PMSI_OS9_2.55.sit and You should get the next screen.

To start the software double-click the icon codagePMSI 2.55

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Installation and recording software

Only for self-executable versions and client-server

Double-click the icon codagePMSI 2.5

typing the user name and password, then click Connect .

(default username = Administrator password = ACPC)

If the version of your software is not registered, a presentation window Interplast-France opens to remind you of the goals of the association and allow you to get a license number.

You may complete and print the order form and license numbers by clicking the button Order the software ...

Close window About Interplast-France by clicking the close box. You can always recall this window by selecting the online presentation About Interplast-France File menu .

A Save dialog asks for your license number.
Enter your name Enter the name of your school or your name Enter your
Adeli (SS ID)
Enter the serial number provided when ordering the software.
Enter the license number and then confirm by pressing the Enter key or the Tab key. The OK button is then activated. Follow
case sensitive.
Click OK .
If you do not have a license number, click the button Demoversion . The demo version

has the same functionality as the registered version. The only limits are unable to upload the files to update data and save files from favorites and synonyms.

You can later register the software directly online by selecting the License Management .. . File menu.

self-executable version

Click Add . This dialog lets you add as many users as you have licenses.

Add as many licenses as practitioners to encode different acts. The list of practitioners is derived from the names of those users.

Client-server version

In this version, the number of users and workstations is not limited.

This dialog allows you to save your license annually whether to authorize the creation or modification of administrative records from the coding window and finally achieve update data.

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First Steps

  • A: Version auto-executable and client-server

Version 2.5 is built around three modules: Module
  • administrative management records
  • medical coding module acts and diagnoses alone or linked to the previous module module
  • statistical utility and communication (import-export files)
1: Module administrative case management

Select the Manage Folders menu File

To list the files of a particular date, select the desired tab (admissions, exits, inpatient, surgical table, external acts) then click on the calendar at the right time. To view the list of files for a period specially which, click on the start date then the period end date period, while holding down the Shift key.

To view a list of any folders, select the tab and then click Records button for folder to search.

This module allows to manage the administrative files (creation, modification and deletion) by a separate secretary post when used in client-server mode.

This module is limited to users in the groups Secretariat or Accounting.

It also directly open the module coding for a particular folder by selecting it from the list and clicking the Edit button RUM

tab Fees accessible only to group Accounting compares the pricing of the NGAP and the ACPC.

2: coding module

Select the ICD10 coding and ACPC File menu

This module is similar to the main window versions prior to version 2.5.

It allows the coding of diagnoses and actions for hospital stays or encode only the actions for files of external acts.

3: Module utilities

Select the Utilities menu File

This module accessible to group Service PMSI can import and export data and manage the roster of practitioners.

  • B: Version integrable
This version allows you to integrate 4D in a host of different modules stand-alone versions.

You can call from a 4D application procedures of the component and thus access to all data of the ACPC and ICD10.

All of these features is described in Chapter ComposantPMSI .

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coding module: general

The coding module allows for coding diagnoses and procedures performed during a hospital stay and do the grouping and GHM GHS. It also calculates the fee for each practitioner.

It can be used in 2 ways:

  • either independently by selecting the row ICD10 coding and ACPC File menu : buttons validation and then cancellation can save or cancel changes to the RUM but do not close the window of the coding module. To exit the module it is necessary to click the close box of the window. This mode allows you to search and directly encode the files. The search for a folder is done by indicating its number in the field File No. . This number is the number given by your hospital's internal computer system. If the record of this patient is not in the database, the software allows you to create a new direct folder from the coding window. (For client-server versions, it is possible to prevent the creation of a folder in the coding window by unchecking the box in the Save dialog based)
  • either from the window management folders by clicking the Edit button RUM : buttons validation and cancellation can save or cancel changes to the RUM then close the window of the coding module to return to the window that called the coding module. This mode allows direct access to a patient RUM selected from a list.

The main window contains the coding module in the case of a hospital stay three tabs: a tab

  • Entering diagnoses which allows entry of diagnoses and associated Pricipals connected and calculation automatiquedu homogeneous group of patients (GHM) and homogeneous group of stay (GHS)
  • a tab Seizure of medical which allows entry of acts performed during the hospital stay and CACUL fees
  • a tab Hospital stay which summarizes all data for the preparation of summary medical unit (RUM).

In the case of acts performed in outpatient or office, the only window has tab Entering medical procedures.

Developing a RUM requires the following steps:

  • Select or create a folder
    • either from the window Records Management
    • either directly by searching for a file by its number File to learn through homogeneous group of patients s
  • coding diagnoses
    • research then adding the primary diagnosis
    • then addition of any research related diagnosis
    • research and possibly adding significant diagnoses associated
    • research and possibly adding diagnoses associated documentary
  • coding of medical research
    • then addition of medical procedures or
    • then for each medical procedure
      • indication of the practitioner who performed the act
      • possibly indicating the extension code documentary
      • possibly an indication of the treatment phase
      • possibly indicating code modifiers
      • possibly indicating the association code not provided any indication
      • Code Claim exceptional
      • possibly verification and coding manual of the measure under the NGAP
  • Verification and validation of Print entire RUM possible

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Module Coding: Editor

  • simple Searches:

To search, type in the editor search or the first letters of search terms. The order entry has no importance.Tous records where one word starts with or under the line of research will be selected and displayed in the area Selection.

If you previously created synonyms, research will also be done on them. It is also possible to search directly for an illness or an act by its code.

You can broaden search to chapter headings by unchecking the box next to "What codes. You can also

limit the search to diagnostics complications and comorbidities associated by checking the checkbox That CMA.

If you do not know the exact search term, you can browse the whole thesaurus deploying the various chapters. To deploy a chapter, simply click on the deployment in front of the chapter heading.

  • Searches complex
You can search using more elaborate the following comparators: < <= > => = and #.
For example if you write to the editor search " stomach = # tum " only records containing the word exactly stomach and not starting tum will be shown.
If you write " = = stomach duodenum " you select all records containing the words exactly stomach and duodenum .
  • Favourites
Favorites menu allows you to display all codes favorites of the current user if the search field is empty or limit the search to your favorites codes.
In the case of the MADC, the menu Favorites also displays the codes only to a particular topography.

note, if one of the favorites menu is selected will be automatically launched any research among these favorites. To search the entire nomenclature select line All Favorites menu .

If search field is empty, you can view the entire nomenclature to be able to print by selecting the row All Favorites menu while holding down the Shift key .

If you click on a chapter head of the hierarchy while holding down the Shift key , you view the selection of all the codes of this chapter.

To change the current user, select a new user in the research framework. The list of users is calculated from the names of users who have registered the software.

  • History:
Click the History button to view the last 100 searched codes sorted in descending order of frequency. The selection takes into account the choice of favorites and the current user.
  • Display sele ction:
If the search is successful, the list of matching records is displayed in the selection.
Select the desired code by clicking it or by navigating using the arrow keys on the keyboard. The thesaurus opens automatically on the selected code.
If you have saved favorites in the categories of management dialog favorites, you can add it to your list of favorites by clicking the button Bookmark while holding down the mouse button . A contextual menu lets you select the desired category favorites.

To add all the codes for the selection to Favorites, select the line Assign a synonym for selection ... File menu and select the favorite desired menu and confirm the dialog.
If automatic copy in the clipboard is enabled, the code will be copied to the clipboard using the criteria defined in the preferences.

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search module coding: Coding of diagnoses

Add code to the list of diagnoses

The selected code may be added to the list of diagnoses

  • as Primary Diagnosis by clicking on the button DP
  • as Diagnosis connected by clicking on the button DR active only if there is already a primary diagnosis
  • as Diagnosis associated with significant clicking DAS.
  • as Diagnosis associated documentary by clicking the button DAD

To change the primary diagnosis, simply select another act and again click the button DP.

To change related diagnosis, simply select a different instrument and click the button DR.

You can add multiple diagnoses associated with the list searching for the desired code and then clicking the button or DAS DAD.

To change category code from the list of diagnoses

Select the code in the list by clicking it Click the desired DP DR DAS DAD or to affect code to the new category.

Delete a code from the list of diagnoses

To delete a code from the list of diagnoses, select the code then click Delete code.
To erase all codes from the list of diagnoses, click the Delete button all codes.

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Module Coding: Coding acts

Coding Principles

Every act performed by a practitioner must be encoded using a code of 7 + 10 characters. CodagePMSI was designed for your convenience. Each code comprises

- a fixed alphanumeric CCYYNNN 7 characters specific to each act and indicated automatically by the software
- a variable of 10 characters you must manually code.
All characters are not encoded. It depends on the acts and rules set by the CNAM.

The software tells you which characters to encode them by pointing a small black triangle. You know then that information is inquire.

  • Digital Character encoding activity
    • 1 and 2: Medical-surgical activity
    • 3: Activity Haemobiology
    • 4: Anesthesia
    • 5: cardiopulmonary bypass
  • Character Optional alphanumeric coding extension documentary (code defined by scholarly societies in each specialty-specific act)
  • character encoding digital processing phase (0 if only one phase)
  • characters alphanumeric coding modifiers rates or not (up to 4 modifiers)
  • character numeric indicating the existence of an association of acts or acts not listed multiple post-traumatic
  • Alphanumeric Character encoding the claim
  • exceptional character alphanumeric coding extra charges in private practice
  • Waiting 6 characters alphanumeric location for dental procedures dental

If there are additional actions associated with this act a little black triangle will notify you at the 7-character alphanumeric code.

You can then view all these complementary actions by clicking the black triangle and then select any of the acts directly complementary partners.

Add code to the list of acts

Click Add code or tap the Enter.

One code per activity will be added to the list of acts. For each pair

Code / Activity in the list of acts, the act then select the options selected by clicking the black arrow signal:

  1. code
  2. documentary treatment phase
  3. codes code modifiers
  4. Association unplanned
  5. code Hardship
code supplement charge is automatically filled in chambers if you checked the box Practice .
The software takes into account the obligations and impossibilities coding and calculates the total price for the service in euros for all acts of the list.
Rates and modifiers have not yet been set by the CNAM, this calculation is currently inoperative.
You need to download the update file on this site when it is available from the CNAM.

For each code, you can specify the practitioner who performed the act. To do this, select the document in the list and the practitioner you want in the menu Practitioners located in pricing actions.

All acts of the list having the same activity code and that the practitioner did not indicate then be updated.

You can, however, for the same activity code to indicate a different practitioner.

The list of practitioners is calculated using the names of users who have obtained a license number. To add a provider to this list, please acquire another license number by making a donation to Interplast.

Change the date of completion acts

By default, when adding a note to the list of acts, the date used is that specified in the pricing action.

To view the actions of a given day, make sure the lock date is in position green then enter a date and hit the tab key.

If the date is between the terminals of the current residence, the acts performed that day will be displayed in the list.

If the date is outside the current residence, a dialogue offers to save the RUM. The software then searches the records of procedures performed that day and place on the first folder. To view a file RUM particle, click the tab Entering diagnoses or hospital stay then select the desired folder by clicking the small black triangle to the right of the file number under Homogeneous group sick.


secondarily To change the date of completion of documents, click the lock button the date position (red) and then change the date.

Date of all acts of the list will change. The software control the consistency of this date with the dates of admission and discharge. The lock button will automatically return to position Green.

If acts are performed on different days during the same visit, a small black triangle appears on the right date.

You can view the actions performed on a given day by clicking on the triangle and by choosing the desired date.

Edit code in the list of acts

Select the code to modify in the list of instruments and learn the different codes.

Delete a code from the list of acts

To delete a code from the list of instruments selected code and click the Delete button code. Deleting an Activity Code 1 involves the suppression of activity codes 3, 4 and 5.For erase all codes from the list of documents, click Clear All codes.

Transcoding acts of the ACPC to NGAP

Pending ACPC Premiums It is possible to perform a transcoding of the acts of the ACPC to NGAP. This method is not approved by the CNAM given the impossibility to perform any transcoding bijective, no transcoding table has been published.

To avoid having to seek multiple times in the NGAP the appropriate rating actions of the ACPC, it is possible to gradually build its own transcoding table under his own responsibility.

To do this, you first check the NGAP.

At the first use of a code, the software offers you a quotation and a code NGAP. The quotation is followed by a question mark to you that this quotation has never been validated.

You must then click on the button for Transcoding remove the question mark and possibly modify the codes and the proposed listing and that for each activity. This listing will be listing the default next time.

NGAP To change the code or the listing of the current act when you double-click respectively on its code or its listing in Pricing acts.

dialogue proposes to modify the listing.

The syntax to enable the automatic calculation of the fees. Example K25 + K25 / 2 K25 and not 25 / 2

Use the following key letters: C C2 CS SAC K KC KFA KFB KFC KCC KE MF MA MG MN MPC Z = MA

  • penalty increase for operational
  • MG = increase for child care on site
  • MF = increase holiday
  • MN = increase night
  • MPC = transitional flat rate increase consultation

The key letters and conventional rates can be changed by clicking on the button Rates letters related the preferences dialog.

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Module Coding: Synonyms

You can create one or more synonyms for each disease and each act so as to allow searches on words or abbreviations not found in different thesauri.
You can:
- Assign a synonym only for the current record
line by selecting Edit synonyms ... menu Coding PMSI or by double-clicking on the current record and then selecting the tab Thesaurus.
- Assign a synonym for all forms of the current selection
by selecting the row Assign a synonym for selection ... menu PMSI Coding and documentation indicating the dialogue synonyms.
This dialogue can also designate a favorite for the entire selection.

- Save to disk in a text file all the synonyms of the base.
This is to get secondarily in another copy of your software without synonyms to recreate them one by one.
For this select line Save to disk all synonyms ... menu Coding PMSI.
This backup also allows you to recover your own synonyms for updates during the program.
- Upload a synonyms file previously stored on disk ,
to retrieve the file data in your own synonyms. This feature is not available in demo version.
For this select line Load synonyms menu PMSI coding.
- Clear synonym selection
To do this select the line Clear synonymous with the menu selection Coding PMSI.
careful this action is irreversible and also clears the favorites of the selection.
- Clear all synonyms file data.
note, this action is irreversible. Please save it to disk before your synonyms.
For this select line Clear all synonyms Menu Coding PMSI.

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module coding: coding Favorites

This feature is only accessible to registered versions.

CodagePMSI can gradually build its own thesaurus which codes (diagnoses or actions) can be directly displayed in the selection.

must initially create your own thesaurus and then enrich them as and when adding the desired code.

Management thesaurus

  • To create a custom dictionary, select the Organize Favorites ... menu codagePMSI .
  • Select if required the user to whom you want to create a custom thesaurus.
  • Click Add . Enter the name of the thesaurus and then click OK. The new addition in the thesaurus thesaurus thesaurus current just before the end of the list or if no thesaurus is selected.
  • Create as many thesaurus you want.
  • Click Insert Row to insert a line of demarcation between the different thesauri.
  • To rename a thesaurus, select the thesaurus to be renamed as part List thesaurus then click Rename . Enter the new name and then click OK.
  • Click Sort to sort in ascending alphabetical order thesauri.
  • To perform a custom sort, drag the thesaurus to the desired location.
  • Click Delete to delete a thesaurus.

Managing favorites

  • Select a thesaurus in the thesaurus clicking. Attached Favorites this thesaurus (diagnoses and acts) are displayed in Shortlist .
  • Click Remove to delete the selected bookmark from the current thesaurus.
  • Click Orphans to display attached to old favorites thesaurus. You can then delete them by clicking the Remove button .
  • To close the window managing favorites, click the OK button .

Add favorite thesaurus

  • To add a bookmark to a thesaurus Custom, select a diagnosis or an act under selection coding window and click the Add Favorite button . While holding down the mouse button, select the thesaurus you want to enrich and then release the button mouse. The current diagnosis or action will be automatically added to the thesaurus selected. To view
  • diagnoses or actions of a custom thesauri, select from the pop-up menu Favorites thesaurus desired. To view
  • also the chapter headings, uncheck What codes . Research will then select the thesaurus.

disk recording of favorite

You can save disk bookmarks from a user in order to transfer to another post all favorites

  • Click Store to save disk Favorites
  • Click Upload a file to incorporate his Publish Post whiskers previously stored on disk.

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Module: History Module

software stores for each user all codes added to the list of diagnoses or the list of acts. This allows you
clicking History displays the most recent codes Searched sorted in descending order of frequency of use.
You can limit the maximum number of codes stored in the history by displaying the Preferences dialog.
You can delete all codes stored in the history of the thesaurus by selecting the current line Clear History menu Coding PMSI.

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coding: Updates

Updated data
data classification common medical procedures and to a lesser extent those of the international classification of diseases requiring regular updates.
To perform these updates, you should download the site files to update data and PMSI_CIM1O PMSI_CCAM and save them on your hard drive.
Ridge duplication of the database before any upgrade.
Select the thesaurus to be the subject of the update by clicking on the relevant tab. Select
line Updated data .. . File menu .
Select file update on your hard drive using the Open dialog documents.
Your favorite synonym and search history will be preserved when updating data.

Update software

To update the software, you must download site to update software and replace the copy on your hard by the new software.
careful not to delete your data files.
You reuse your license numbers when this update. In case of loss of these numbers you can e-mail to obtain a duplicate.

Frequency of updates

If you saved the software, you will receive by mail a message telling you whether these updates.
Otherwise, check from time to time the announcements on the homepage of the website.

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coding module: Module Preferences

To display the Preferences dialog, select the Preferences Menu codagePMSI . This dialog allows you to configure the operation of the encoding module and adapt to your environment.

Configuration clipboard:

You can determine what you want to paste the clipboard in the selection of an illness or a medical procedure:
  • Main code and additional codes for the acts of the ACPC
  • Name
  • Rates
  • Comments
  • Trading NGAP
  • practitioner who performed the acts

Check the box "Do copy the codes classifying s" if you want to copy only the disease or acts with a code PMSI (Avoids automatically copy the chapter headings) .

You can also specify the separator between the fields that will be pasted into the clipboard.

inter-application communication format (copy):

Setting the format of the copy of all the selected codes to the clipboard.

  • Check Format type text to copy the codes into a word processor
elements (a copy to the clipboard) selected will be copied with the following formatting :
name -> Date of birth Primary Diagnosis: code -> wording ICD10 Diagnoses significant: code -> wording ICD10 code -> language ICD10 etc. ... and for each DAS Diagnosis Related Documentary: code -> wording ICD10 code -> wording ICD10 etc. ... and for each DAD Medical Procedures performed the acts Date: 7caracteres code -> code 10 characters -> wording ACPC -> NomPraticien -> Trading NGAP -> Price etc. ... and for each act
  • Check spreadsheet format to copy the codes into a spreadsheet or an application manager formatted data Tab-Tab-CR
elements (a copy to the clipboard) selected will be copied with the following formatting: [PATIENT] -> name -> Birthday -> Date CR acts [ICD10-DP] -> Code -> wording ICD10 CR [ICD10-DAS] -> Code -> wording ICD10 CR [ICD10-DAS] -> Code -> wording ICD10 CR etc ... and for each DAS [ICD10-DAD] -> Code -> wording ICD10 CR [ICD10-DAD] -> Code -> wording ICD10 CR etc. ... and for each DAD [ACPC] -> 7caracteres code -> code 10 characters -> wording ACPC -> NomPraticien -> letter key -> ratio -> letter key -> ratio -> letter key - > CR coefficient [ACPC] -> 7caracteres code -> code 10 characters -> wording ACPC -> NomPraticien -> Key letter -> ratio -> Key letter -> ratio -> Key letter -> CR coefficient etc. ... and for each act The key number of letters depends on the pricing of the act CCAM (eg + KC100 KC35 / 2). The software makes the calculation whenever possible Eg if the document is listed KC100 KC35 +50% + / 2 + KFA, the software formats the document as: KC -> 150 -> KC - > 17.5 -> KFA -> 1 CR
  • Check Copy the same time all the codes and ICD10 ACPC to copy one click at a time diagnostics and acts to the clipboard without changing the thesaurus.

nomenclature of professional acts:

Check View quotes transcoding to view the proceedings of the ACPC to NGAP.

Click Rates letters key to update the conventional tariffs.

Click Edit key letters to add or remove a key letter.

styles and colors:

You can choose the font and font size used in the application to obtain in all cases the hardware display more readable possible.You can also choose the colors of both text and background for each thesaurus in order to get the most suitable contrast. Select a thesaurus and enter the color code ente including 0 and 255, or select a color from the palette button couleurs.Cliquez Police and default colors to restore the default configuration.