Willy Pelletier, presented by Alain Bedouet , The phone is ringing, November 11, 2010
Willy Pelletier About The State dismantled in "Parenthesis" France Inter on Saturday, September 4, 2010
Symposium: "The State dismantled"
Saturday, June 27, 2009 organized by the Fondation Copernic and Le Monde Diplomatique
01 - Michel Vaxès
02 - Serge Halimi
03 - Francis Denord
04 - Willy Pelletier
05 - Alain Garrigou
06 - Philippe Riutort
07 - Laurent Bonelli
08 - Andre Grimaldi
09 - Helen Adam
10 - Christmas Daucé
11 - Joëlle Moreau
12 - Sabine Rozier
13 - Edward Sill
14 - Gilles Garnier
15 - Francine Bavay
16 - Jean Christian Billard
17 - Gilles Sainati
18 - Frederick Neyrat
19 - Bernard Lacroix - Closing: Caroline Mécary
State dismantled
Investigation of a silent revolution-cons
Laurent Bonelli Willy PELLETIER
Collection: Cahiers free
Presentation Editor
In the public debate, the alarmist diagnoses on the "crisis of the welfare state", and the trial against the redistributive state, have always left room for more orders to "reform the State ". This imperative has become the rallying point of political elites (both right and left), senior national and international officials, but also the most prominent intellectuals, journalists and even some unionists.
What does this "state reform"? How has it been implemented in twenty years? What consequences for public service and users? This book seeks to answer these questions in a dialogue of researchers, officials and trade unionists. The exchange of analysis and experience you can draw lines of force of this movement, while remaining attentive to the peculiarities observable.
This intellectual work and community is required to include a silent revolution-cons.
For if the neoliberal reforms of the state carried out sometimes with great fanfare (the privatization of La Poste, budget constraints of the public hospital or Education), they are most often invisible, and only meet industry protests, poorly coordinated, much less publicized. They pass by such order, such a directive, as circular, dark and doomed to remain confidential, in some cases developed by private audit firms ... most, and among the more structural going unnoticed except for those who directly confront consequences ...
After this trip in the "state reform" and its effects is the future of public services, our public services is at stake is to say that model company.
Laurent Bonelli is a lecturer in political science at the University of Paris X (Nanterre). He co-edited the book The Machine punish. Security discourses and practices (The Spirit hitter, Paris, 2001) and published in The Discovery, La France a peur (2008). He is also member of the editorial of Le Monde Diplomatique.
William Pelletier, a sociologist at the University of Picardy, is general coordinator of the Copernicus Foundation since 1998. He published, with Claire Le Start, The canonization liberal Tocqueville (Syllepse, 2006)
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