Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Best Laptop For Autocad 2010

article Choukri Ben Ayed, The socio-spatial education and the issue of social mix in schools

Choukri BEN AYED
Professor of Sociology at the University of Limoges
Research fields:
- Unequal access to knowledge and territorial disparities education
- ; urban segregation and school
- Culture, territories and collective solidarity
- Public Policy and recomposition of the State

listen "The inequalities socio-spatial Education: Education priority questioned ", Enregistrer au format PDF article in PDF Training of trainers, RRS Saint-Priest , February 2, 2010

The issue of social mix in schools s Conference, ESEN, December 3, 2009

Care For true equality of opportunity begin by providing all students with school conditions worthy and acceptable , coffee pedagogical Monthly No. 109, November 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

Bloated Stomach Around Ovulation

videos: Economists Symposium aghast

Saturday, October 9
Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences 4 Avenue de l'Observatoire, 75006 Paris

Introduction: the approach of "economists dismayed" (Askenazy Philippe, CNRS)

Round Table No. 1: "Financial regulation: to protect or disarm the markets? "
(which analysis of regulatory initiatives taken since 2008? They do not aim primarily to protect its financial excess without questioning its power? What alternatives proposed?)
Frédéric Lordon (CNRS)

Andre Orlean (CNRS, President of the French Association of Political Economy)

Plihon Dominique (University Paris 13)

Nathalie Peré- Marzano (CSIR general delegate)

Romain Rancière (Paris School of Economics)

Moderator: Bruno Tinel (University Paris 1)

Round Table No. 2: "Getting out of debt trap and austerity in Europe
( What monetary and fiscal policies, what macroeconomic policy coordination ...)
Stirati Antonella (University of Rome)

Till Van Treeck (Institut für und Makroökonomie Konjunkturforschung (IMK), Düsseldorf)

Michel Devoluy (University of Strasbourg)

Henry Sterdyniak (Observatoire French des Conjonctures Economiques - OFCE)

Andrew Watt (Research Institute of the European Trade Union Confederation, Brussels)

Pierre Khalfa (Trade Union Solidarity)

James Galbraith (University of Texas)

Moderator: Julie Valentine (University Paris 1)

Round Table 3: Growth, employment, consumption, ecology, solidarity ... : Which for what purposes? "
(how crises, economic, social, ecological, geopolitical, they require rethinking the tools and the purposes of economy, to redefine the European model of development?)
Geneviève Azam (Toulouse University 2)

Cédric Durand (University Paris 13)

Nasser Mansouri (CGT)

Sandrine Rousseau (University Lille 1 and the Regional Council of Nord Pas de Calais)

Jean-Paul Moatti (Université de la Méditerranée)

Host: Christopher Ramaux (University Paris 1)

syntheses and perspectives
Thomas Coutrot (Scientific Council of Attac)
Dany Lang (University Paris 13)

Manifesto economists dismayed
debt crisis and in Europe: 10 false evidence, 22 to debate measures to break the deadlock

Philippe Askenazy Coutrot Thomas, Andre Orlean, Henry Sterdyniak
Publisher: Ties That 2010 release

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Does 100 Merino Wool Shrink

audio-video-Book: The State dismantled

Willy Pelletier, presented by Alain Bedouet , The phone is ringing, November 11, 2010

Willy Pelletier About The State dismantled in "Parenthesis" France Inter on Saturday, September 4, 2010

Symposium: "The State dismantled"

Saturday, June 27, 2009 organized by the Fondation Copernic and Le Monde Diplomatique
01 - Michel Vaxès
02 - Serge Halimi
03 - Francis Denord
04 - Willy Pelletier
05 - Alain Garrigou
06 - Philippe Riutort
07 - Laurent Bonelli
08 - Andre Grimaldi
09 - Helen Adam
10 - Christmas Daucé
11 - Joëlle Moreau
12 - Sabine Rozier
13 - Edward Sill
14 - Gilles Garnier
15 - Francine Bavay
16 - Jean Christian Billard
17 - Gilles Sainati
18 - Frederick Neyrat
19 - Bernard Lacroix - Closing: Caroline Mécary

State dismantled
Investigation of a silent revolution-cons

Laurent Bonelli Willy PELLETIER
Collection: Cahiers free

Presentation Editor
In the public debate, the alarmist diagnoses on the "crisis of the welfare state", and the trial against the redistributive state, have always left room for more orders to "reform the State ". This imperative has become the rallying point of political elites (both right and left), senior national and international officials, but also the most prominent intellectuals, journalists and even some unionists.
What does this "state reform"? How has it been implemented in twenty years? What consequences for public service and users? This book seeks to answer these questions in a dialogue of researchers, officials and trade unionists. The exchange of analysis and experience you can draw lines of force of this movement, while remaining attentive to the peculiarities observable.
This intellectual work and community is required to include a silent revolution-cons.
For if the neoliberal reforms of the state carried out sometimes with great fanfare (the privatization of La Poste, budget constraints of the public hospital or Education), they are most often invisible, and only meet industry protests, poorly coordinated, much less publicized. They pass by such order, such a directive, as circular, dark and doomed to remain confidential, in some cases developed by private audit firms ... most, and among the more structural going unnoticed except for those who directly confront consequences ...
After this trip in the "state reform" and its effects is the future of public services, our public services is at stake is to say that model company.

Laurent Bonelli is a lecturer in political science at the University of Paris X (Nanterre). He co-edited the book The Machine punish. Security discourses and practices (The Spirit hitter, Paris, 2001) and published in The Discovery, La France a peur (2008). He is also member of the editorial of Le Monde Diplomatique.
William Pelletier, a sociologist at the University of Picardy, is general coordinator of the Copernicus Foundation since 1998. He published, with Claire Le Start, The canonization liberal Tocqueville (Syllepse, 2006)

Friday, December 24, 2010

First Signs Of Aging Face Cream

videos: Julien Duval and Fred Pierru, "Media coverage of health issues and social security"

videos: Julien Duval and Fred Pierru , "Media coverage of health issues and social security"
of Acrimed Thursdays, November 20, 2008
issues of health and social security are important social issues. But when the media got hold of it, they contribute generally (but not always ...) the production and reproduction of a dominant view. Which? Why?


videos Frederick Pierru , how to prepare the privatization of
Safely By Paul Meyer
, Rue 89, 6/9/2008

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hack Secure Donglesecure Dongle

Originality in recruiting video

Last May, I reported on the blog a recruitment drive containing the codes of seduction lessons that m ' had fun. Here's a new campaign extremely original, well targeted and apparently offering excellent value for money: recruitment by X-ray tested by the Supreme Security Company!
Warning, this is not the candidate that is scanned, but the job offer which refers to X-ray specialists who work at airports: the job is slipped into the hand luggage and can be read by the person in charge of the scanner.
Simple and effective, as shown in this video:

Source: via

Peepless Bow Sights 2010

II: the point of view Gerard Filoche labor inspector, What remains is the right of Labour?

German Sheppard Grooms Cake

listen and read: School: the pitfalls of competition Understanding the decline of the French school

Interview by Emmanuel Sylvain Broccolichi Davidenkoff (7'44 "), FRANCE INFO - The way to school, September 8, 2010

Sylvain Broccolichi , FRANCE CULTURE - Food for thought, September 14, 2010

School: the pitfalls of competition
Understanding the decline of the French school

Chroukri BEN AYED
Sylvain Broccolichi
Collection: Free Papers

Presentation Editor
Still more students in check, still more demoralized teachers and parents worried about the future of their children. Still more awards to institutions that sow doubt and fueling frustrations. Is that really the choice of school that can come salvation, as suggested by the recent easing of the school map? Is it true that increasing competition between institutions, it creates a challenge that encourages higher student performance?
The answer is no: it shows that this work based on a large-scale study that combines at an unprecedented historical approach, statistical comparisons and long-term investigations at different sites (which restore the speech of teachers, parents and students). Wherever competition accelerates the disparity between institutions, beginning with the Paris region, the difficulties of students are increasing, and not only in the "ghettos". Their schooling is indeed disrupted by a series of disturbances and destabilization associated with the obsession with rankings and zapping school. Conversely, the best results occur where lasting cooperation promote educational continuities and consistent practices. Thanks also to an international perspective, this book helps understand how the development of competition and lack of political regulation contributed to the decline of French school.

Choukri Ben Ayed is a sociologist and professor at the University of Limoges, a researcher at Grescoe. Sylvain
Broccolichi is a sociologist and lecturer at the University of Artois, a researcher at the laboratory RECIFE. Daniele
Tran, statistician, is a lecturer at the University of Rouen, a researcher on secondment at the Centre for Study of Employment.

Seriové číslo Nero 6.6.15

video, Sociology: Michel Bozon, The social uses of surveys on sexuality

conference Michel Bozon , Contexts and social uses of surveys on sexuality .
The sample survey FSC The meeting was hosted by Peter Mercklé.
Section of Sociology of the ENS-LSH Lyon has allowed 21 January 2010, Michel Bozon, director of research at INED soicologie.

Survey on Sexuality in France
practices, gender and health

BAJOS Nathalie Michel BOZON
coordination Nathalie Beltzer

Presentation of publisher
The landscape of sexuality is changing. The investigation "Context of Sexuality in France" conducted in 2006, took the measure of these changes and has taken a giant leap and scientific ethics. Practices and sexual relations, pleasure and disagreements between partners have been explored at various ages, as well as depictions of sexuality and living conditions.
Twelve thousand people have agreed to participate in this research and discuss their various partners, their sexual, heterosexual and homosexual encounters via the Internet, the phases of life without sexual activity, violence suffered, their sexual difficulties , the use of viagra ... The health issues related to sexuality, including sexually transmitted infections and HIV in particular, are also discussed, as well as the repercussions of health problems on sexual life.
The persistent question of asymmetry in terms of sexuality between women and men is a central theme of the book. This is an expression of gender inequality prevailing in the social world (work, family, public life). Normative and the opposition, constantly reformulated, between sexuality and sexual desire emotional core product of conflicting requirements that make it more difficult to adopt preventive practices, especially for women.
The book addresses all those researchers, including social science and humanities faculty, students, politicians, doctors, psychologists, and citizens interested in sexuality and health.

Michel Bozon
Sociology of Sexuality (2nd edition revised)
Armand Colin

Presentation Editor
Sexuality no longer identifies with procreation, the marriage and heterosexuality, and institutions no longer control public morals. More than a sexual liberation, these developments represent a diversity of individual trajectories and a proliferation of discourses and images that require everyone to develop his own line of conduct.
Medicalization part of these changes.
This new edition draws on the results of the latest survey on sexuality in France, compared with those of other countries. It integrates the approach of queer theory and globalization analysis of desire. The book also shows the persistence in the reports love with a kind of asymmetry, that common sense continues to attribute to insurmountable differences between men and women.

Michel Bozon, a sociologist, is director of research at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED).

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How Quickly Does Daktarin Work For Thrush

movies online: the perspective of the Pierre Carles


Hdfc Debit Card Mobile Recharge

work online: Health and Work, Proceedings of Science Research Social No. 163 and 165

Health and work

Denial, visibility, measurement

Page 4-17
Gollac Michel and Serge Volkoff Health work and masks
Page 18-31
Annie Thebaud-Mony Stories professional and cancer
Page 32-38
Michel Vézina et al. Define risk Research Note: The prevention of mental health problems
Page 39-45
Michel Gollac et al. From denial to the trivialization Research Note: On the mental distress at work
Page 46-61
Pierre-Emmanuel Sorignet Dancing beyond pain
Page 62 71
Serge Volkoff "show" the hardship: the career of scavengers
Page 72-89
Philippe Askenazy Health and Safety in American businesses

Book reviews

Page 90-100
Brendan Burchell English, one more effort! The intensity of work in the United Kingdom

Health and Work (2)

Victims and responsible

Page 8-27
Matthew Desmond Deaths incompetent

Page 28-51
Seth Holmes "Because they are closer to the ground" The invisibility of suffering Social berry pickers

Page 52-71
Gretchen Purser "That's dirty work" Risks and injuries among laborers in the United States

Page 72-91
Nicolas Jounin Workplace safety directions captured by When construction workers face the danger clandestinely

Page 92-105
Nicolas Hatzfeld Ergonomics, productivity and work wear A decade of debate workshop Peugeot-Sochaux (1995 - 2005)

Page 106-113
Loriol Marc et al. Resistance to psychologization difficulties at work The case of the police highway

Page 114-118
Bénédicte Reynaud Scientific controversies Methodological remarks on the sidelines of the contribution of Philip Askenazy on "Health and security in corporate America. "

Page 119-119
Philippe Askenazy Scientific controversies Short answer Bénédicte Reynaud

Monday, December 20, 2010

Fever 103 Sore Throat

video: Christian Baudelot, Republican Elitism. The French school to the test of international comparisons

Japanese Groping Real?

Video: Working to be happy? Happiness and Work in France

view the presentation of the book by Christian Baudelot and Celine Bessière at ENS-LSH