sensitive topic, as are the human rights and their policy implications. It is in the framework of a "tour de France" for the promotion policy human rights, committed by the government that Madam Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Human Rights, Rama Yade, was moved Friday, June 13 at Orleans. This movement is however gone unnoticed in the political landscape and even the citizens of Orleans.
Mrs Rama Yade, during this first step, illuminates some of the Tour de France "promotion of human rights, developed the very need for effective international criminal justice. A position which can only be welcomed and could come to expect movement on the part of France, for the full recognition of international criminal justice as a tool for promoting human rights, in the sense that international justice can the punishment of serious violations of international law but also violations of human dignity. However, this finding seems to be relative. Even if Mrs Rama Yade advocates criminal justice as tools of peace, regardless of state in the world accepts the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. Finding very unfortunate, especially when we know that the new ally of France, the United States, are fiercely opposed to ratification status of the Court. Moreover, should we recall that France, even if we can be proud of an early ratification of his own, has used Article 124 of the Statute, which allows to reject the competence of the Court for War Crimes for a period of seven years. Hypocrisy on the part of France? Then advocate of international justice with a view to promoting the human right seems to be a noble idea but is it again that impunity is not allowed.
It is this question of impunity is a problem for international criminal justice, since we do a choice between repression of serious crimes and media policy. However, the Government has made its choice by the voice of Rama Yade: politics media first; this when leaving the field open to impunity. Besides, why, just look at the news in 2008, in the case of missing the Beach, the French justice system has abandoned the prosecution against the head of the Congolese police, while evidence suggests that it is involved in the massacre of thousands of Congolese. More recently, though, has passed the Senate in June, a bill that consolidates impunity perpetrators of serious crimes, limiting the interest of universal jurisdiction. Thus, one can only see a double discourse, the limits of communication "marketing" of the Government.
However, since the twentieth century, it seemed that we were in a movement to promote human rights and in particular, one could justifiably believe, that the twenty-first century, the issue of human Man and the repression of serious crimes would not be considered as a mere commodity to be sold, or even result ...
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