Monday, February 25, 2008

Period Due In 4 Days Cm Dry

CodagePMSI version 2.5 runs on Windows platforms and Macintosh (MacOS 9.2.2 and MacOS X).
CodagePMSI support software is a codification of medical procedures and diagnoses and principal shareholders of PMSI.
Its search engine allows to find quickly and easily code of any disease International Classification of Diseases - 10th revision (ICD 10) and any act of the new Common Classification of medical (ACPC) effective From 1 January 2004.
The ability to create its own synonyms, or its own abbreviations gives the flexibility to adapt to the language of each user while respecting international terminology.
It is also possible to create one or more lists of codes to show favorites, but also directly display the last 100 codes most wanted.
The software bundling GHS (homogeneous groups of holidays) and calculates pricing or medical procedures selected taking into account the pricing rules set forth by CNAMTS. The software allows transcoding ACPC-NGAP acts pending the ACPC tariff.
The list of codes and labels diagnoses and procedures performed for a given patient can be printed or copied to the clipboard and then pasted into any other software. The printout can be easily handled by the PMSI service by reading bar codes diagnoses and actions.
updating data is simply done by downloading the file from this site updated.

CodagePMSI version 2.5 now available in 3 presentations:

- version AutoRun single-and multi-user

- client-server version multi-station and multi-users require separate acquisition de4D-server version 2003 or 2004 from your computer dealer or company 4D.

- embeddable version any 4D 2003 or 2004 not compiled as a component 4D

self-executable version of the software is freely diffusible form of charityware. To obtain a valid license number, simply send mail or mail the registration form and make a donation to Interplast-France.

The client-server version and version integrable require the purchase of an annual license fee as a donation to Interplast-France.


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