Sunday, October 19, 2008

What Does The Cervix Look Like In Early Pregnancy

French prisons a breeding ground for suicide?

90 suicides since the beginning of the year. It is a ghoulish good statement that the Department of Justice is now. However, the International Observatory of Prisons (OIP) has repeatedly made a call to order.

For several weeks, we hear, finally, talk of a malaise that yet do not date from yesterday. That suicide in prison. Numbers are the inmates who live badly this incarceration. Some would argue that having committed wrongdoing, these people deserve this sidelining of the company. However, a democratic society is respectful of value as the right to life, human dignity, can not afford not to ensure these minimum standards.

The situation is more alarming then: 90 suicides since the beginning of the year, recent awareness of the malaise of Prisoners and finally, no real political will to make things happen. Moreover, the OIP notes in its press release " indigence policy for the prevention of suicide in relation to juvenile offenders is concerned that no specific strategy has been implemented to date, so well as the National Consultative Commission of Human Rights had requested in December 2004 that "a comparative study be conducted to measure precisely the specificities of the phenomenon of suicide among juvenile detainees" . In sum, the OIP is more than critical vis-à-vis the measures envisaged by Rachida Dati.

In addition, the discomfort is felt on the part of prison guards that they are at the forefront of these incidents. The General Union of Trade Unions Prison (UGSP-CGT) has repeatedly questioned the government about a growing lack of night staff in the right frame of each inmate. For its part, the Socialist Party responded to the government asking that is taken into account "the gravity of the situation" but also " immediately put in place a plan for counseling and renovations of French prisons .

In addition, this malaise is far from new, since from the 2000s cases of suicides overdue challenge France on the need for taking psychological account of prisoners. In addition, France has been condemned by the European Court of Human Rights for failing to "protect the right to life " a psychotic inmate who hanged himself in his cell in 2000 [1]. The conviction for failure to protect the right to life is therefore based on Article 2 of the 1950 Convention. It is a heavy sentence make sense, since the Court relied on Article 2, that is to say one of the fundamental articles of this Convention. Thus, the call to order the Strasbourg Court may have an impact, as finally concrete and effective measures are taken.

short, French prisons suffer the full brunt of a malaise that goes beyond them. But this discomfort does not necessarily transform a sentence of confinement in a suicide.


[1] ECHR, Judgement of House v. Renolde France, 16 October 2008, Application No. 5608/05

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bushnell Trophy Trs 25

When Martin Hirsch wants to hide poverty

Inflation, rising prices, financial crisis, the approach of a recession some of France, in short, things are looking bad for the French.

In fact, we now know for months, the purchasing power of the French is in free fall, notably including a price increase of 3.2% over one year. The balance sheet looks so gloomy, wages that are stagnating or falling, the commodities who need only increase, which measures only exacerbate an already critical situation, and the icing on the cake a financial crisis that does not seem to finish.

However, it seems as noted by the Non Governmental Organisation (NGO), ATD Quart Monde, Martin Hirsch, the solution is found to decrease - in statistics - the number of people living below the of poverty. Thus, with the application of this new indicator [1], we would find nothing more than a drop of more than 20% of these people. This hocus-pocus statistics can only make us doubt relevance even this indicator. Moreover, can we not see here an avatar to show the effects of Revenue de Solidarité Active? However, many economists including Liem Hoang-Ngoc [2] question the very system of RSA.

In sum, we can not deny the progress of the idea of the Fourth World. Poverty is not a phenomenon restricted to the only country in the developing world. Moreover, according to the latest figures, there would be more than 7 million people considered poor France.

It seems then that the introduction of this new indicator is a smokescreen in order to veil a reality, however real. However, it is clear that the current test measuring poverty should evolve. For this, the Fourth World NGO TD-recommends to take into account other measures such as "access to care, housing, employment, education training ...".


[1] This new indicator proposed by Hirsch disconnects the evolution of the poverty line of evolution the median income. However, when the median income increases, the poverty line, ie, say 60% of the median, moved in the same proportion.
[2] Liem Hoang-Ngoc is an economist, professor at the University Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I) and researcher at the CNRS. Sarkonomics his book, published by Grasset, assumes the ten key points of doctrine Sarkozyist in economics.