November that everything is going to play in the U.S., but when is it the religion in this country where "religious" has an important place, where creationists engage in a real fight against evolutionary theories. But this debate will he influence the Presidential?
More than just a debate, religion, United States, is a real political issue. Besides the numerous business, more or less recent, on the heated battle between creationism and evolutionary theory, we show the gap in America between the culture of Cartesian reason and extremism of religion.
Indeed it is in America deep voices in favor of Democrats will be hard to obtain because many of these Americans, Barack Obama, is not religious enough. Moreover n'at'on not blasted his alleged Muslim religion? Moreover, one can only note that in some federal states a significant proportion of the population prefers a religious teaching "science" with little or no room to Darwin's theory.
However, it is important to note that in December 2005, despite the significant development of fundamentalism, which campaigned in favor of creationism, teaching the theory of "Intelligent Design [1] " took a very significant setback, since this teaching was considered unconstitutional by federal judge John Jones. Thus, it is a decision that undoubtedly will go down in history because it marks a turning point in the sense that it implies that no scientific theory is the fact that based on religious beliefs. However, it is not a marked slowdown in creationism. Instead, currently, there is no question of teaching Strictly speaking the theory of creationism, but to teach " the pros and cons of Darwin's theory .
In short, this debate is far from over, quite the contrary, it also seems that the approach of the U.S. presidential in November 2008, the various candidates are selected by some voters, more depending on their religious views than for their economic program for example. But the issue of education and religion seems to be sensitive point in this multicultural America.
However, one can legitimately think that some people undoubtedly will cry and cry already, ignorance, obscurantism of many Americans deal with this excess of religion, which encloses the critical and denies scientific thinking. So should we think that their faith is blind? Or perhaps scientists, philosophers, are impostors? These questions are far from harmless, since it reflects a "battle" between science and religion.
short, Is this really a good time for this debate intensifies and escalates in an America already riven by poverty increasingly important. Certainly, religion has a place of prominence on the American public square, but to say that religion takes a more prominent during this presidential election would be presumptuous.
However, it is clear that this self is undoubtedly that of many changes across the Atlantic.
[1] intelligent design is considered a pseudo-science as related to creationism despite an appearance of scientific