Long considered privileged, because they entered higher education, a symbol of a certain social success, students see their situation deteriorate on campus.
The finding that in fact the UNEF? A growing decline in their purchasing power for six consecutive years. Anouch Zaroukian, president of the UNEF Orleans' 100,000 students live below the poverty line ... A clear choice has been made by the government: escalate student status, which will promote failure at university because students are increasingly forced to work. "Work more to do less ...? "This slogan launched by the UNEF in his campaign for the autonomy of youth, seems to reflect a grim reality. Too many students are forced to pay salaries to fund their studies, because of a scholarship scheme unreadable and unfair. Often they make a choice: to pay salaries and run the risk of school failure, or depend entirely on the family.
So what ? Establish a student stipend student? An allowance of autonomy and individual universal for young people? It seems that students are more privileged, but perhaps the last wheel of the coach ...